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#MissionAntifa: A Universal Intelligence Framework for Global Peace

  #MissionAntifa: A Universal Intelligence Framework for Global Peace Introduction #MissionAntifa is an initiative led by Marie Seshat Landry, CEO and OSINT Spymaster, aiming to unite the intelligence networks of all nations under a common framework. This framework, referred to as #Antifa, is dedicated to fostering global peace and combating fascism through peaceful means. The framework respects international laws and ethics while promoting cooperation and intelligence sharing among decentralized intelligence agencies worldwide. 1. Vision and Mission Vision:  To create a world where intelligence agencies work collaboratively to maintain global peace, prevent conflicts, and combat extremism while upholding human rights and ethical standards. Mission:  To establish a universal intelligence framework that unites the world's intelligence agencies in a decentralized manner, fostering cooperation, transparency, and mutual respect. #MissionAntifa aims to combat fascism and extremism peace
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#MissionAntifa - Complete Mission

To establish #MissionAntifa as an independent faction and private business in OSINT intelligence aligned with NATO and UN objectives, we'll outline a comprehensive mission plan. This document details the strategy, educational initiatives, and advocacy actions for the criminalization of Nazism, neo-Nazism, and other fascist ideologies, under the leadership of Marie Seshat Landry. ### Executive Summary **MissionANTIFA** is conceived as a pioneering private intelligence entity, specializing in open-source intelligence (OSINT) to support the objectives of NATO and the UN. With a core mission of promoting peace, #MissionAntifa will engage in educational campaigns and advocate for legal reforms to criminalize fascism in all its forms. Founded by Marie Seshat Landry, this initiative aims to educate the global community on the perils of fascism and drive collective action towards a more peaceful world. ### Mission Statement To utilize OSINT capabilities to detect, document, and dismantle f